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New Town Primary School Nurturing Brilliance, Inspiring Ambition

Life Skills

At New Town our PSHE has been divided into 6 different strands: 

Thinking of others 
Keeping fit, safe and healthy 
Respect and Tolerance 
Morals, Choices, Rights, Democracy 
Living and growing
Moving On 

One topic per half-term is taught to each year group. 

Within each strand there are age appropriate topics (lessons) for the different year groups.

•All lessons are planned in line with the whole school programme for PSHE and is in-line with national and school policies.
•Effective learning strategies are used to engage pupils and challenge their thinking.
•Pupils are involved in active and participatory activities through which they develop skills and attitudes, as well as knowledge and understanding.
Please see the Progression in Life Skills document for more detail.