‘A challenging, diverse and engaging curriculum, tailored to the unique needs of our school and the children in it.'
Our curriculum has been carefully planned to enable deep learning through the acquisition and retention of knowledge which will equip pupils with the skills needed to make links across many areas of the curriculum. At the heart of all learning are our school values of love and kindness, tolerance and inclusivity, honesty and trust and determination and resilience. We aim to: promote the importance of reading and learning; develop an appreciation of our locality and the wider world and ensure that all pupils have a respect for the diversity within our school. It is of the utmost importance that we establish a love of learning and develop enquiring minds which will usefully and effectively prepare all our children for their future.
The delivery of our curriculum will ensure that the way in which issues are taught does not subject individual pupils to discrimination, in line with the Equality Acts of 2010 and 2014, and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. We aim to encourage healthy debate and discussion around issues of diversity, tolerance and the differences we all possess, but will always do this in a sensitive and respectful manner. Please find more information about this on the following page: New Town Primary School - Equality .
Each phase of the school has its own curriculum. Each aspect of the curriculum allows children to build upon, and use, knowledge from previous years making those all important links across their learning. Teachers will provide: stimulating lessons, enrichment activities, investigations, experiences and challenges.
Knowledge organisers have been created for each term which show the key pieces of knowledge needed for each subject. Pupils should use their knowledge organisers to help with both school and home work and should ideally learn the knowledge from each one. Quizzing forms a regular part of our school week; pupils will be informally but regularly tested (quizzed) on all aspects of the curriculum.
Maths and English knowledge organisers show the key learning for each year group including areas of grammar, reading and poetry in English together with number, times tables, shape and fractions in maths.
'Our Learning' sheets are sent out once a term and give information about work to be done at home which link to our current learning. These include: spellings to learn; times tables; maths activities; reading expectations and investigations around the foundation subjects. This provides an invaluable opportunity for parents to get involved with their child's learning and for pupils to organise their time effectively.
It is important that parents both support and help to enrich their child's progress in school. Please take time to talk about their work and to go through their current knowledge organisers. Should you have any questions about the curriculum please contact the class teacher.